Ipad Pro
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Which Magic Keyboard is compatible with your iPad? Find out here
Apple’s line of Magic Keyboard accessories for iPad is always changing, and it can be hard to keep up with which Magic Keyboard will work with your iPad model. But most iPad models do offer support for a version of Magic Keyboard, you just need to know which one. That’s why we’ve assembled this guide to outline exactly which Magic Keyboards will and won’t work with the various iPad Pro, iPad Air, and base-model iPads currently available. more…
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Xiaomi clones controversial Apple Crush ad, with one major change
The Apple Crush ad missed so badly that the company cancelled its planned TV slots and issued a public apology. That seemed to mostly make the issue go away, but Xiaomi seems determined to try to use the publicity to its own advantage. The Chinese smartphone maker – which has in the past cloned everything from the iPad to Steve Job’s trademark jeans and turtleneck shirts – has now cloned the Crush ad, with one crucial difference … more…
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Does the M4 iPad Pro have a mysterious sensor in the rear camera? Here’s the answer
Apple this month announced a , which comes with the M4 chip and a slimmer design. However, the company has quietly removed the ultra-wide lens from the rear camera, returning to a single wide lens and LiDAR scanner. But some customers have noticed an extra hole in the rear camera. Is it a mysterious new sensor? more…
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M4 iPad Pro vs Microsoft Surface Pro: How do they stack up?
On the heels of Apple’s launching, Microsoft has debuted the 11th edition of the Surface Pro. Curious about what’s similar and different between these two portable devices? Join along for a look at the M4 iPad Pro vs Surface Pro. more…
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One week with the M4 iPad Pro: full of surprises, and questions ahead of WWDC
It’s been a full week since the M4 iPad Pro first arrived in users’ hands, and I’ve been working full-time on mine every day since then. I’ve used my new 13-inch iPad Pro for all my work at 9to5Mac, both indoors and outdoors, plus TV watching, journaling, organizing for a move, giving speeches, and more. Here are the things that have most surprised me in my first week of use, plus the questions on my mind ahead of next month’s WWDC. more…
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iFixit teardown reveals big change for the M4 iPad Pro’s repairability
Thanks to teardowns and durability (bend) testing, we’re learning a lot about the new ultra-thin iPad Pro’s design. Now, the folks at iFixit have performed their in-depth teardown, revealing a big internal change that could save “hours on repair times.” The video also offers our first look inside the new Apple Pencil Pro. more…
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iPad tip: Fit way more content on screen at once with this setting
Unlike the Mac, there’s no 24-inch iPad screen size, or even a 15-inch model. Apple’s tablet tops out at 13 inches (for now), making every inch of screen real estate especially valuable. But did you know that, with one simple setting tweak, you can adjust the size of content on your iPad to fit more things on screen? more…
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New iPad Pro performs well in extreme bend test, beats previous-gen
The is here and the inevitable YouTube stress tests are already online. JerryRigEverything and AppleTrack posted their bend test videos, and both seemingly came to the same conclusion: the new iPad Pro holds up well to extreme force and seems pretty resistant to bending during normal use. AppleTrack repeated the same bends with the M2 iPad Pro and the new M4 iPad Pro to compare, and whereas the M4 iPad Pro came away almost unscathed, the M2 iPad Pro had a definitive curl in the corner near the cameras. JerryRigEverything praised the device for its “black magic levels of structural integrity”, at least when bent horizontally. more…
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You can actually use your old Magic Keyboard with the M4 iPad Pro – but it won’t look good
With the launch of the , Apple also introduced a new version of the Magic Keyboard with improvements such as a row of function keys and an aluminum finish. However, because of the iPad’s new design, Apple says that the old Magic Keyboard doesn’t work with the – although users have already figured out that there’s an unconventional way to use it. more…
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New Magic Keyboard is a surprisingly compelling reason to upgrade to an M4 iPad Pro
The M4 iPad Pro has a lot going for it to tempt prospective buyers. Whether you’re coming from a 2018 iPad Pro like me, or a newer M-class iPad, there are plenty of great reasons to upgrade to the new iPad Pro. The OLED display can’t be beat; the M4 chip is unmatched in Apple’s lineup; and on a lesser note, there’s even a color-matched USB-C cable with the space black model. The upgrade incentive I didn’t really expect, but that’s hitting me hardest today, is just how much better the new Magic Keyboard is than its predecessor. And yes, sadly the new keyboard is exclusive to the M4 iPad…